"The Veiled" are five projects currently under development, at different stages of production.
Project: Exploder
Exploder is a first-person shooter rogue-lite developed in Unreal Engine 5, with linear level design, inspired by games such as Destiny 2 and Risk of Rain 2. Set in a simulation, the player must delve deep and defeat the source of the simulation, although there is much more lying beneath...
Currently it's the game furthest in development, with a planned demo in the near future.
Project: Fallen
A souls-like game based on the ancient world, the Bronze Age, the gods and myths of the ancient Middle East, with a dash of european medieval weapon and armor styles.
"... And their children fell from the skies.
Like tongues of fire they lit the night.
Brilliant, gleaming light.
Entombed together as they died.
For die they did when landed.
Graveyards for them founded.
Wait and wait by and by,
For one day they will rise.
Forseen, foretold,
In days of cold,
The stars will shine
In burning gold."
— Song for the Fallen

"Fallen" is the furthest in development, with a story nearly completely written, rich lore, and art and programming slowly being added.

Project: Journeyman
A lone adventurer faces the hardships of the icy North, in search of a promised land. Along the way, he will meet strange creatures, fight to survive, and bond with the last of the Light.
Project: Dreamer
Hunt down the supernatural forces that threaten reality itself, and try not to lose your mind in the process.

Project: Venture
Venture is a small racing title set in a distant future. It features fast-paced racing and character customization, with the possibility of adding a hub area.
The goal is to have a split-screen couch arcade-like experience, with online multiplayer also being an option.